fluent speakers Archives - Parrot

Why Knowing Another Language May Be Your Greatest Asset

Why Knowing Another Language May Be Your Greatest Asset

Life is full of twists and turns, surprise situations that catch us off guard, tumultuous moments we have to (or want to) rise to. That’s just the way of the world. And when we find ourselves in an unexpected moment, we always want to have as many resources as possible with which to face a new circumstance head-on. Whether you find yourself living in a new country, reimagining your work-life balance, or simply looking for a job, you’ll want to stack up all the skills and assets you can. 

This may mean getting specific certifications or letters of recommendation from respected colleagues and employers. It might mean reaching out and forming a community in a new town to which you’ve unexpectedly relocated. One asset that’s, regrettably, too often overlooked is knowing another language. Language learning, whatever language that may be, is a skill that will take anyone far. Learning a language to the level of fluency unlocks next-level employment opportunities, allows you to travel the world freely, and may even increase your ability to understand folks around you. In short, being bilingual (or multilingual) may be the greatest gift you never knew you needed.

Better Job Opportunities

In an increasingly multilingual market, language skills are a must for anyone with aspirations for advancement. While English language proficiency is crucial in many situations, plenty of organizations operate on a number of continents simultaneously. Mandarin Chinese, for example, is an excellent language to learn if you plan to operate at a high level in the global market, seeing as China has the second largest economy in the world when measured by GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Employers are looking for team members who can communicate across borders, so proving your fluency in one of the top business languages in the world (English, Mandarin, French, Spanish, and Japanese) will push your resume right to the top of the pile. Plus, it might land you on the next plane to your company’s headquarters in an exciting new locale.

Go On More Adventures

Learning a new language isn’t just good for meeting your business goals, though. Even if you never plan to use your language skills in a professional capacity, speaking and reading fluently can take you on new adventures. Learning Spanish, for example, allows you to travel effortlessly through most of Central and South America, accessing areas that are usually only for local folks. Knowing Hindi is great for business (India also has an economy to be reckoned with), sure, but it also allows you to roam the subcontinent unimpeded by any language barrier, independent of interpreters. You can experience the richness and variety of the Hindi-speaking world if you speak the language fluently. If you’re the kind of person who seeks out the unexpected situations that life offers, knowing another language is a skill you can’t go without.

Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Beyond just giving you the capacity to describe ideas and concepts in more ways, language learning may also increase your capacity to empathize with others. This seems like common sense—the more we are able to speak to others and are exposed to cultures other than our own, the more likely we are to understand where someone with a different heritage is coming from. It turns out, though, that there’s data to back up this assumption as well. Studies have shown that learning a language may actually make your brain bigger than it previously was, which has been connected to increased capacity for empathy and less risk for dementia. In other words, language fluency is an asset in more ways than one.

There are many ways to give yourself a leg up in the world. Education, community, and plain old grit will all get you very far. If you’re thinking about which skill to add to your essential toolbox, though, signing up for a language class in one of the world’s top languages may prove to be an extremely worthwhile choice.

Additional Resources

Parrot for Business Info Sheet

We built Parrot to help businesses hire candidates with the language skills those businesses need to grow. Read this info sheet to learn more about how easy your testing program could be.

Language Testing Validity Report

Test Quality & Validity

By combining an innovative methodology with modern tech, we’re creating a new standard for evaluating language skills. However, none of that would matter if our results weren’t also unquestionably valid. This report shows how we’ve fine-tuned our method to meet and exceed key industry standards for validity.

Want to know more?

Understanding Fluency: How to Know You Can Talk the Talk

Understanding Fluency: How to Know You Can Talk the Talk

We all know that just because we took a semester or two of Spanish classes in college or high school we’re probably not ready to hop on a plane to live in a Spanish-speaking country. We also know that a 90-day streak on Duolingo doesn’t mean we’re fluent in Korean, either. There’s nothing wrong with either of those ways to learn a language, it just takes a little more practice to speak and read fluently in a second or third language. It’s pretty easy to know when you’re not fluent in a new language. 

How, though, can you tell when you’ve overcome that initial hurdle and are now speaking fluently enough to get by? Or even fluently enough to express yourself fully in the language you’re learning? Maybe you’re a really great speaker but your reading comprehension is only so-so. Or maybe you can read with ease in a new language but listening comprehension is a real challenge. Figuring out fluency can be tricky, but here are some ways to know if you’re ready to take off the training wheels and take your new language for a ride.

Language Immersion

Spend some time immersed in the language you’re learning and you’ll know soon enough whether you know what you’re doing (and saying). If you’re learning Korean, spend a week in Seoul. If you’re learning Castilian Spanish (Spanish from Spain), take an extended trip to Madrid. Not only is language immersion one of the best ways to learn a new language, you’ll also get a very clear picture of where you stand in terms of speaking fluently. You’ll have a hard time buying groceries or grabbing a cab to an event if you can’t speak with the cashier or driver. And you’ll be hard-pressed to enjoy whatever event you’re heading to without the necessary lingo. Taking a trip to the region your language hails from is a great way to speed up your learning and see if you’re really fluent in one fell swoop.

Switching Things Up

Even if you can order a cab and ask for directions in German, Spanish, or Mandarin, that doesn’t mean that your proficiency is complete. After all, those are very specific aspects of language use. Could you manage a work situation in another language? Could you attend a conference where the presenters spoke a language other than your mother tongue? Can you discuss a book, or field a professional phone call, in another language? In order to ensure full fluency, you need to make sure that your language skills are applicable across various realms. Once you’ve shown that you can get along with basic language skills, spend some time in other settings to see if you’re fluent there as well. 

Finding the Best Language Test

Of course, you may not have the wherewithal or time to spend a long weekend in Paris in order to check on your French proficiency. Most of us don’t. If that’s the case, you can always take a language test. Sure, a language test doesn’t get you a glass of French wine and a plate of petit fours, but it’s an inexpensive, easy way to show off your skills. And those skills could land you an advanced job or a role with more global responsibilities. These days, the best language tests don’t entail sitting in front of a proctor who marks off questions on a notepad. Modern language tests are available on-demand and are fully accessible, with results made available in 24 hours. It’s not quite as much fun as a month in Seoul or Madrid, but it’s probably the more doable option.

Language learning can be an incredible tool for opening up new job opportunities and international adventures. Fluency is a great skill, and it’s one you can now prove you possess.

Additional Resources

Parrot for Business Info Sheet

We built Parrot to help businesses hire candidates with the language skills those businesses need to grow. Read this info sheet to learn more about how easy your testing program could be.

Language Testing Validity Report

Test Quality & Validity

By combining an innovative methodology with modern tech, we’re creating a new standard for evaluating language skills. However, none of that would matter if our results weren’t also unquestionably valid. This report shows how we’ve fine-tuned our method to meet and exceed key industry standards for validity.

Want to know more?

Going Global: Why Your Business Needs Fluent Speakers

Going Global: Why Your Business Needs Fluent Speakers

The world of business has changed a lot in the last few decades. In truth, it’s always a shifting landscape, one that’s led by the twin forces of innovation and human will. The more we believe in an idea’s feasibility the more we lean into our innate inventiveness, truly creating the world around us. If you want excitement with a side of hard work, be an entrepreneur.

In recent years, entrepreneurship has meant an increased awareness of the wide world around us. Unless you’re running a hyper-local shop, you have to be tuned into the possibilities beyond your doorstep. Whether you offer services or goods, your audience is likely looking for you online. If you’re running on a B2C business model, you need to reach consumers who are shopping online more than ever before. If you’re a B2B company, well, the businesses you’re hoping to work with are also on the web. This can be daunting, but it can also be exhilarating. After all, with the whole world open to your business your possibilities are truly endless.

In an increasingly global business world, one thing is for certain: You need a wealth of diverse employees if you want to reach an international audience. Let’s take a look at three reasons why language skills can unlock your company’s worldwide potential.

It’s a Small World After All

Generally speaking, it’s not a great idea to think small—except when it comes to accessing all the world has to offer your business. Why not have team members on every continent, and some digital nomads as well? With a diverse roster of employees, you’ll enrich the intellectual assets of your company manyfold; having more viewpoints expressed at team meetings gives you additional opportunities to understand the needs of a wider audience. Plus, having a diverse set of viewpoints embedded into your company’s structure has been shown to drive more exciting innovation. That said, you can’t very well have a team in France without French-speaking employees on board, can you? In order to access the possibilities inherent in the global market, you need bilingual people on board who can speak fluently in the languages of the regions you’re expanding into. 

Target Your Whole Audience

Multilingual employees can do more than head up a team in Europe, Southeast Asia, or North Africa. They can also allow you to get your products and services into the hands of customers in more regions. Why target only a monolingual audience when you can enjoy the returns of an audience from around the world? Of course, this takes some doing. Not every solopreneur with an Etsy shop can provide customer service in many languages or even translate their website into more than one language. If you’re a small or midsize company with an eye toward expansion, it might make sense to invest in language learning for employees or in hiring practices that zero in on proven fluent speakers who have passed a certified language test.

Meet Your Match

Despite the fact that many business leaders are championing a return to in-office work, it’s not really clear whether that’s a necessary move. Plenty of companies are actually doing better with a wider pool of candidates and customers that the shift to remote work has allowed. Previously, having an office in New York City meant that you could hire folks from the Tristate area. Now, you can literally pull in talents from anywhere with a connection to the internet. This gives companies a lot of leverage, actually, because US-based managers can find someone qualified from Portugal, the UK, or India as easily as they can find someone from Ohio or Indiana. One thing this requires, though, is a multilingual team. For example, if the best web developer is a Spanish speaker with only some English language skills, having a Spanish speaking contact person will be necessary. Here, as well, investing in or rewarding language learning among your employees is a smart move for savvy business leaders. 

These days, a monolingual company is a missed opportunity. Language learning and fluency certification may be the best way to access the new customers, team members, and ideas your organization needs in order to grow.

Additional Resources

Parrot for Business Info Sheet

We built Parrot to help businesses hire candidates with the language skills those businesses need to grow. Read this info sheet to learn more about how easy your testing program could be.

Language Testing Validity Report

Test Quality & Validity

By combining an innovative methodology with modern tech, we’re creating a new standard for evaluating language skills. However, none of that would matter if our results weren’t also unquestionably valid. This report shows how we’ve fine-tuned our method to meet and exceed key industry standards for validity.

Want to know more?